Due to circumstances you may in one way or another temporarily lack capacity. In this case Hejemasi can be of service to you in different fields of application, because our employees have a broad expertise and the knowledge to solve your specific problem. At the same time, they can partially or totally take over a project and get over the problem.
Our services include, for example:
- taking over the entire project during execution of work
- assistance in project preparation
- evaluation with local authorities
- preparation of the bidding documents
- advise on which parties are to be considered as potential bidders
- evaluation of the biddings
- accompanying the execution of work on behalf of principals
- provide temporary replacement for principal’s personnel
The aforementioned is a summary of the possibilities we can offer. Should you be interested or need extra guidance, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the needs.
Of course, it goes without saying that the relationship is based on mutual trust and in accordance with the agreements made.