Storage tanks were usually built according to codes API 650 and BS 2654 and these tanks can be found in all of Europe. In view of a united Europe, the European standard NEN-EN 14015 has been developed. This code is required when building new storage tanks. However, the compliance with the requirements for environmental protection (known as PGS 29 in the Netherlands) may differ per country, because until now no general European legislation and regulation have been developed.
We can be of service in:
- advise on the most suitable tank for your specific purpose in terms of execution of work and type of material
- advise on the use of seal, roof drain systems and domes
- advise on the fire protection system
- advise on coating systems for the tanks
- advise on the tank heating systems
- advise on the applicable storage tank alarms
- advise on the tank insulation systems
- defining a scope of work for the building of new tanks
- evaluation with the obligatory independent notified body (NoBo)
- evaluation with the local authorities
- preparation of the bidding documents
- advise on which parties are to be considered as potential bidders
- evaluation of the biddings
- accompanying the execution of work on behalf of principals
The most common types are:
- cone roof tanks
- cone roof tanks with internal full contact floater
- external floating roof tanks
- external floating domed roof tanks
The aforementioned is a summary of the possibilities we can offer. The work is, of course, executed in accordance with the appropriate applicable legislation and quality standards.
Should you be interested or need extra guidance, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the needs.